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Conflict Minerals Policy
01 Conflict minerals refer to minerals such as tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold produced in disputed countries, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo or its neighboring countries.

Funds generated by conflict minerals flow into armed forces in the country, slaughtering its citizens, and human rights such as child, forced labor, and female abuse are being violated Amid growing international concerns, Congress enacted the Dodd-Frank Financial Regulatory Reform Act 2010 that mandates reporting on the use of conflict minerals, and companies listed on the U.S. stock market under section 1502 above investigate the use of conflict minerals and the origin of the supplier chain. The results must be reported to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC

02 LB Lusem will actively participate in international efforts to ban the use of conflict minerals with its partners and clients, thereby fulfilling its social responsibility to protect the human rights of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and neighboring countries.
03 LB Lusem will ensure that conflict minerals associated with militants in the disputed area are not included in the supply chain for its production.
To do this, LB Lusem will perform the following procedure.
  • As part of the above regulatory compliance, the use of minerals produced in disputed areas among products supplied by subcontractors is prohibited in principle.
  • Using the Conflict Minerals Usage Report Questionnaire provided by EICC-GeSI, we will determine the name and location of all smelters of tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold used in our products.
  • The supply shall purchase conflict minerals from smelters certified under the Conflict-Free Smelter Program. (click)
  • The supply supplying raw materials to LB Lusem shall provide information on the origin (smelter) of the mineral through the provision of CMRT. *CMRT: Conflict Minerals Reporting Template
  • If a risk is found in the supply chain, the partner shall take corrective action in a timely manner.
  • If LB Lusem does not receive data from its partner or provides information that is different from the facts, and if risks are found in the partner'sm supply chain, the transaction with the partner may be discontinued.